
Are you getting results?

Have you started an exercise routine, but don't feel like you are making progress? Or maybe you were hoping to see results more quickly? This is obviously so frustrating, but lets take a look at some of the reasons that might be behind why you may be feeling this way + do some trouble shooting!

✨Progressive Overload - as we exercise our body starts to adapt to using weights or bodyweight, so we need to provide it with additional stimulation. This can be by increasing the load (upping the weights) or increasing the number of reps in order to continue to make progress + increase strength.

✨Consistency - we hear the word consistency a lot! And it is true, like anything, to see results we need to remain consistent. If you have a tendency to throw in sporadic workouts or lack routine it is likely that you won't see or feel results! As I always say, the workouts don't need to be long, but they do need to be consistent!!

✨Intensity: Unless there is a specific reason, do not be afriad to increase the level of intensity! Our midlife bodies adapt really well to short blasts of intense exercise. So rather than remaining in 'zone 2' (slow + steady) just take the intensity up a notch + ensure you feel challenged. ( A level that you can't hold a conversation!)

✨Nutrition: The old saying 'you can't exercise your way out of a bad diet' is true! Fuel + nourish your body well. Up your protein levels, eat lots of whole foods + cut out lots of refined sugar. And keep well hydrated too!!

✨Mix Up Your Workouts - I find a hybrid style of training the most effective. A mixture of short intense bursts of HIIT style workouts along with strength training. Of course plus getting outside and getting the steps in. This is very much how I formulated FITNESS BITES to help give you the tools for the body to adapt + get stronger.

✨Recovery: Recovery is crucial for progress. In order to see results we must allow our muscles to rest and recover to promote growth. Sleep is vital for so many reasons, so make it a priority!

✨Realistic goals: We are all different + our bodies react differently to others. Be patient + set goals that are realistic within your lifestyle, family + work commitments. Set your own goals that are right for you!

✨Stress: High stress can really cause havoc with the body's ability to make progress. Whilst exercise is a fantastic stress reliever, we need to ensure we are also able to down regulate at other times - I am a big fan of breathwork + taking a few minutes out of the day to find some calm.

✨Tracking Progress: Sometimes it is easy to forget how far we have come. Keep a track of how you are doing. Make a note of how many workouts you have completed. What weights are you using. Maybe some photos when you first started. You can then stay accountable + monitor progress over time. It is so rewarding when you look back at your journey!

Try these steps + I promise results will come! And I am of course here to help, so please drop me a line at + we can arrange to chat. In the meantime you have FITNESS BITES there are a guide to give you weekly workouts to follow in your own time.

Sarah x

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